Preparing for New York

I can’t believe the time has come. One day. Tomorrow, the Summit College teams make their way to the heart of New York City, NY. After months of prayer, planning, and preparation, it’s time for this group to take flight. After a full day of orientation and detailed discussion about the big city, I came away with a few points I wanted to share.

  • Gospel foundation is vital.
    We literally have nothing to share or preach without the Gospel. The Good News we graciously share is about the life-changing work which has happened within us. To have an unclear vision of Christ brings about death. We were created to shine brightly and adore in our Creator God (Matthew 5:14-16).
  • Strategy is key.
    Going into a mission field completely blind is not God’s plan. Think about the strategic location and cultures within New York City. Largest city in the United States; Thousands of people groups (many of which are unengaged) with their personal sphere of influence; Diversity in cultures, languages, and social statuses while maintaining the “New York pride.” With all this in mind, God desires that our preparation and labor not be in vain (Philippians 2:14-16). But bear in mind that strategy, when idolized, produces vain actions. All the planning in the world will not bring souls to Christ without the Holy Spirit working.
  • Projects are not the end goal… people are!
    This one has taken a while to get through my head. I constantly struggle with the desire to please God and run the race set before me… but if I run a race with blinders on, I miss the point of the entire journey which is to see Christ more clearly through His working. People are the objective of the gospel movement. Jesus cleansed the lepers (Matthew 8:1-4; Mark 1:40-45), healed blind men (John 9; Mark 8:22-25), and rose the dead from the grave (John 11). He did all of these miracles with people as the primary goal – in reaching people through physical needs, he glorified the Father through spiritual means.
    In the same way, we are called to reach the nations as people, NOT as a project.